Maschinenring Entwicklungszusammenarbeit
 DE  |  EN  |  FR 

It is the farmers who can defeat hunger in the world. And that is our mission

It is the farmers who can defeat hunger in the world. And that is our mission

The biggest humanitarian problem

An almost incomprehensible number: More than 800 million people in the world do not have enough to eat. These people suffer from hunger. Even harder to grasp is that most of these people live in rural areas - and are farmers.

800 million
people suffer from hunger every day
of them in rural regions of the world
Every 13 Sec.
a child under the age of 5 dies from hunger
A sustainable solution

For decades, humanity has been trying to defeat hunger in the world. The efforts of states and organisations have saved millions of people from starvation. But they have not solved the problem.

We are farmers. We know that only we - the farmers of this world - can feed this world. More than 60 years ago, we started to join together in Maschinenringe and help ourselves. From our point of view, we need to sustainably intensify agriculture exactly where the problem of hunger can also be solved.

The knowledge and the experience we have gained since than and the structures we have developed, we are now passing on to Africa to set up Maschinenringe.

Our idea is...

We are an organisation by farmers for farmers.
Simple, effective and robust technology helps most on the ground.
We promote small-scale farming structures that depend on an intact environment.

"Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for life."


"Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for life."


Our aim for all farmers is to be able to participate in technological progress. It is simple agricultural equipment that gives farmers the means to feed themselves and their homes.

Our proven concept combines a smallholder community with solid economics. Once established, this concept is self-sustaining through local people.

A Maschinenring lives only through its members and their trust in it. A Maschinenring provides far more than just agricultural machinery. It imparts knowledge and is a service provider by farmers for farmers. Everything it does is always adapted to local conditions and the needs of its members

2 Countries

have already implemented the idea of a community.

3 Pillars

We share labour, knowledge and machines.

60 Years

First sharing economy organisation in agriculture.

2 Countries

have already implemented the idea of a community.

3 Pillars

We share labour, knowledge and machines.

60 Years

First sharing economy organisation in agriculture.

2 Countries

have already implemented the idea of a community.

3 Pillars

We share labour, knowledge and machines.

60 Years

First sharing economy organisation in agriculture.

The machinery ring in Africa
Machines & Education

The mechanisation of agriculture in Senegal. It is one of the main strategies to achieve increases in production and productivity while conserving resources and the climate. The African Union has banned the hand hoe in its Agenda 2063. Maschinenringe enable African smallholder farmers to use agricultural technology.

Our projects



Learn more about our project in Sengal




Learn more about our project in Kenya


You can support us

You know what comes next from many other organisations. We are also dependent on financial support. We would like to show you how we use our funds. In order to establish and equip a completely new Maschinenring in Africa, we need a start investment of about 15.000 Euros.

With this, we mainly finance simple agricultural equipment. We equip the small farmers on site with ploughs, threshing machines and mills, for example. This money is also used to finance staff for a limited period of time. When a farmer now uses the agricultural equipment provided, he pays a fee for it, which is set by his local Maschinenring. In this way, the Maschinenring earns money, which it can in turn invest in the maintenance of the existing technology and in new equipment. Once established, this community is self-supporting.


But this is not all: the value chain remains local. Because other local businesses also benefit from the growing agricultural production. So a functioning Maschinenring has positive effects far beyond its members.

How you can donate

Sparkasse Neuburg-Rain
IBAN: DE89 7215 2070 0005 9690 19


Ibrahima Traore

Projektmanager Senegal

+49 (0) 8431 6499-1065


Katharina Schlick

Projektmanager Kenia und Ruanda

+49 (0) 8431 6499-1030


Hanne Conrad-Nielsen

Projektmanagerin FAMFISK

+49 (0) 8431 6499-1260










Bundesverband der Maschinenringe e.V.
Am Maschinenring 1
86633 Neuburg a.d. Donau
08431 6499-0





Bundesverband der Maschinenringe e.V.
Am Maschinenring 1
86633 Neuburg a.d. Donau
08431 6499-0